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OLMS does not have jurisdiction over unions representing solely state, county, or municipal employees. These unions do not file financial reports with OLMS.
List of labor organization records based on their latest annual financial report filed (Ordered by the "Latest Report Received" column- Note: terminated labor organizations appear at the end of the list).
No Records Found
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}}

{{union.lmNo}} {{union.affAbbr}}
No Annual Reports to display

LM-1, Constitution Bylaws and Other Attachments:
Annual reports that have been filed by {{union.unionAddress.unionName}} (Starting with the most recent report).

(Select "Export" to export reporting history, "View Reporting History" to view reporting history and "Add" to compare multiple reports).

LM-1, Constitution Bylaws and Other Attachments:

                                              Download Chart

Union Reporting History


{{union.unionAddress.unionName}} {{union.unionAddress.desigDesc}} {{union.unionAddress.unitName}}


{{union.unionAddress.mailCity}}, {{union.unionAddress.mailSt}} {{union.unionAddress.mailZip}}

File #:
Union Name:
no results
Designation Number:
Year Covered by Report:
Size of Payment:
Min:(eg: 10000) Max: (eg: 10000)

Comparison List ({{rptCart.length}})

{{rpt.fileId | fnumWithDash }} {{rpt.yrCovered}} ({{rpt.formFiled}}) {{}}

A list of funds paid and received (not including employees) by the labor organization during the fiscal year (ordered by the Name)
Please initiate your search.
No results found.
Please try broadening your search criteria.
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
pbClass={{pbClass}} pbType={{pbType}}  
 max={{totalRecords}} value={{rowsSoFar}}   
 showProgressBar={{showProgressBar}} showPendingBar={{showPendingBar}} pendingMsg={{pendingMsg}} 
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}}
{{union.fNum}} {{union.yrCovered}}({{union.formFiled}})
Detailed summary of ITEMIZED TRANSACTIONS for {{ ? : "UNKNOWN NAME"}} for {{union.rcptDisbTypeDesc}} in {{union.yrCovered}}:

Last Name:
First Name:
File #:
Union Name:
no results
Designation Number:
Year Covered by Report:
Size of Payment:
Min:(eg: 10000) Max:(eg: 10000)

Comparison List ({{rptCart.length}})

{{rpt.fileId | fnumWithDash }} {{rpt.yrCovered}} ({{rpt.formFiled}}) {{}}

A list of payments to the officers and employees including the direct and indirect disbursements by the labor organization during the fiscal year (ordered by the Name).
Note: Blank column data is intentional, and is displayed as seen on the submitted report.
Please initiate your search.
No results found.
Please try broadening your search criteria.
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
pbClass={{pbClass}} pbType={{pbType}}  
 max={{totalRecords}} value={{rowsSoFar}}   
 showProgressBar={{showProgressBar}} showPendingBar={{showPendingBar}} pendingMsg={{pendingMsg}} 
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}} {{pendingMsg}}
 q ={{q |json}}

List of labor organization records based on their latest trusteeship report filed.

No Records Found
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}}

{{union.unionName}} ({{union.childFileId}})
Detail summary of trusteeship reports filed by {{union.unionName}} ({{union.childFileId}}) starting with the most recent report.

Last Updated On: {{lastupdatedon}}
For help on understanding and working with downloaded data, download the OLMS Guide to Working with Downloaded LM Filing Data.
This guide was created to help users understand the file structure and contents of the Download Yearly Data feature of the OLMS Online Public Disclosure Room. Advanced database concepts are presented in this document and it is assumed the reader will already have an understanding of relational database structure and basic SQL.
The files below are Zip files containing pipe delimited text files.

List of LM-10 records based on their latest report filed (ordered by File #)
No Records Found
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}}
{{union.companyName}} ({{union.srNum}})
Report Listing of LM-10 Reports filed by {{union.companyName}} ({{union.srNum}})

List of LM-20/21 records based on their latest report filed (ordered by File #)
No Records Found
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}}
{{union.companyName}} ({{union.srNum}})
Detailed summary of LM-20/21 REPORTS for {{union.companyName}} for {{union.srNum}}:

Enter up to two search criteria below (e.g. Employer, Trade Name, Labor Organization, etc.):

Single Criteria Search Tooltip
Combine Criteria Search Tooltip

Search Criteria 1
Search Criteria 2

A list of records containing the search criteria entered and the location of the "Match" in each form(s) (LM-10, LM-20, LM-21 and LM-30 only).
Please initiate your search.
No results found.
Please ensure accurate spelling in your search criteria and consider broadening your search terms for better results.
Search results exceed limit.
Please refine your Search Criteria.
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
pbClass={{pbClass}} pbType={{pbType}}  
 max={{totalRecords}} value={{rowsSoFar}}   
 showProgressBar={{showProgressBar}} showPendingBar={{showPendingBar}} pendingMsg={{pendingMsg}} 
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}}

Collective Bargaining Agreements
No Records Found
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}}

*The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. For more information on the NAICS and to look up codes, visit the NAICS page at the U.S. Census Bureau.

List of LM-30 records based on their latest report filed (ordered by File #)
No Records Found
You have requested {{totalRecords | number}} items. The first few are displayed quickly but the rest may take a while. Please wait or press cancel.
{{rowsSoFar | number}} / {{totalRecords | number}}
{{union.firstName}} ({{union.srNum}})
Detailed summary of LM-30 REPORTS for {{}} for {{union.srNum}}: