OMB No. 1245-0003 . Expires 01-31-2025 .
IMPORTANT: This report is mandatory under P.L. 86-257, as amended. Failure to comply may result in criminal prosecution, fines, or civil penalties as provided by 29 U.S.C. 439 or 440. Required of persons, including Labor Relations Consultants and Other Individuals and Organizations, under Section 203(b) of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended (LMRDA).
Office of Labor-Management Standards
U.S. Department of Labor
For Official Use Only
Read the instructions carefully before completing this report.
1. File Number: C-525      2. Period Covered by this report From: 01/01/2022 Through: 12/31/2022
A. Person Filing
3. Name and mailing address (including Zip Code):
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
ZIP code:74011
4. Any other address where records necessary to verify this report are kept:
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
ZIP code:
Signature and Verification
Each of the undersigned declares, under penalty of perjury and other applicable penalties of law, that all of the information submitted in this report (including the information contained in any accompanying documents) has been examined by the signatory and is, to the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief, true, correct, and complete. (See Section VII on penalties in the instructions.)
SIGNED: Phil Wilson
Date: Jun 02, 2023
Telephone Number: 918-455-9995
SIGNED: Debbie Barnett
Date: Jun 02, 2023
Telephone Number: 918-455-9995
Form LM-21 (2003)
Statement of Receipts Report all receipts from employers in connection with labor relations advice or services regardless of the purposes of the advice or services.

Statement of Disbursements Report all disbursements made by the reporting organization in connection with labor relations advice or services rendered to the employers listed in Part B.
Disbursements to Officers and Employees:
(a) Name(b) Salary(c) Expense(d) Totals
8. Total disbursements to officers and employees:
9. Officer and Administrative Expenses:
10. Publicity:
11. Fees for Professional Services:
12. Loans Made:
13. Other Disbursements:
14. Total Disbursements (Sum of Items 8-13):
Form LM-21 (2003)
Schedule of Disbursements for Reportable Activity Use this schedule to report only disbursements made for the purposes described in Part D of the instructions.

15.a. Employer Name: AAA-NCNU

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gerald O'Brien
Title: Owner
Organization: 00693
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:23 Summit Heights
City:North OaksState:CA
ZIP code:55127
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively. We realized on 4/4/2023 that we had miscalculated this filing. We take our filing very seriously and corrected our filing upon learning of the error.

15.a. Employer Name: AAA-NCNU

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Tracy Schrey
Organization: 69678
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:CA
ZIP code:74011
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively. We realized on 4/4/2023 that we had miscalculated this filing. We take our filing very seriously and corrected our filing upon learning of the error.

15.a. Employer Name: Blish-Mize Company

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: David Sapenoff
Organization: 68251
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:9020 West 161st St
City:Overland ParkState:CA
ZIP code:66085
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Carrier

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Phil McMann
Organization: 70211
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:1776 Park Avenue STE 4-263
City:Park CityState:CA
ZIP code:84060
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Central Connecticut Fire Protection

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: David Sapenoff
Organization: 68251
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:8929 West 161st St
City:Overland ParkState:CA
ZIP code:66085
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Cherokee Milwright & Mechanical

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Daniel Block
Organization: 67695
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6506 Mount Batten Ct
ZIP code:40059
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Diversified Healthcare

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gus Flores
Title: President
Organization: 66727
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:10950 Arrow Rte #871
City:Rancho CucamongaState:CA
ZIP code:91729
15.b. Trade Name, If any:
The Terraces at Park Manino

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: ecoLink

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Brad Rechel
Title: Individual
Organization: 69655
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:5980 Roundstone Place
ZIP code:43016
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: El Milagro

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Evelyn Fragoso
Title: President
Organization: 66020
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:4859 W Slauson Ave., #191
City:Los AngelesState:CA
ZIP code:90056
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: El Milagro

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gus Flores
Title: President
Organization: 66727
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:10950 Arrow Rte #871
City:Rancho CucamongaState:CA
ZIP code:91729
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: El Milagro

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Carlos Flores
Organization: 66726
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:30000 Avenida Cima Del Sol
ZIP code:92591
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Enersys Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Doug Grima
Title: Individual
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74011
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Enersys

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Eric Vanetti
Title: Individual
Organization: 67807
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74011
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name:

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Johan Pena
Title: Individual
Organization: 69189
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:15815 SW 103rd Lane
ZIP code:33196
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Givaudan Flavors Corporation

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Scott Michel
Title: Individual
Organization: 00710
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:819 Herman Road
ZIP code:19044
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: HamHed LLC

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Johan Pena
Title: Individual
Organization: 69189
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:15815 SW 103rd Lane
ZIP code:33196
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: HD Supply

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Pat O'Mara
Title: President
Organization: 66231
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6 Drakewood Lane
ZIP code:94947
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: IDI Distributors

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Dave Sapenoff
Organization: 68251
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:8929 West 161st St
City:Overland ParkState:KS
ZIP code:66085
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: KAMAX Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Pat O'Mara
Title: President
Organization: 66231
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6 Drakewood Lane
ZIP code:94947
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively. Mistakenly reported the consultant involved. Pat O'Mara did not have reportable activity for this client. This was discovered 6/2/2023 and the amendment was made the same day.

15.a. Employer Name: La Maestra Community Health Centers

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gus Flores
Organization: 66727
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:10950 Arrow Rte #871
City:Rancho CucamongaState:CA
ZIP code:91729
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Loma Linda University Health

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Rebecca Bannon
Title: Individual
Organization: 69109
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:301 Elk Haven Court
ZIP code:59711
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Loma Linda University Health

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Tracy Schrey
Organization: 69678
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Loma Linda University Health

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Michael Perkins
Title: President
Organization: 68735
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:924 3rd Ave., Suite B
ZIP code:35901
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Loma Linda University Health

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Evelyn Fragoso
Title: President
Organization: 66020
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:4859 West Slauson Ave., #191
City:Los AngelesState:CA
ZIP code:90056
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Love's Travel Stops & Country Store

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Patrick O'Mara
Title: President
Organization: 66231
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6 Drakewood Lane
ZIP code:94947
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: LRS Portables, LLC

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: William Herrera
Title: Individual
Organization: 70228
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:9427 Reston Grove Lane
ZIP code:77095
15.b. Trade Name, If any:
Crown Restrooms & Praireland Disposal

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Mountaire Farms Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Daniel Block
Title: President
Organization: 67695
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6506 Mount Batten Court
ZIP code:40059
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Mountaire Farms Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Johan Pena
Title: Individual
Organization: 69189
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:15815 SW 103rd Lane
ZIP code:33196
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Mountaire Farms Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Wildine Pierre-Barrett
Organization: Bridge Labor Solutions LLC
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:931 N State Road 434
City:Altamonte SpringsState:FL
ZIP code:32714
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Pierre-Barrett

15.a. Employer Name: Mowbray's Tree Service

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Johan Pena
Title: Individual
Organization: 69189
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:15815 SW 103rd Lane
ZIP code:33196
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Pierre-Barrett

15.a. Employer Name: New Hampshire Public Defender

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Dave Sapenoff
Title: President
Organization: 68251
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:8929 West 161st St
City:Overland ParkState:KS
ZIP code:66085
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: North Ridge Health and Rehab

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: A. Danine Clay
Title: President
Organization: 68581
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:235 Apollo Beach Blvd
City:Apollo BeachState:FL
ZIP code:33572
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: North Ridge Health and Rehab

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Byron Clay
Title: President
Organization: 00703
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:235 Apollo Beach Blvd
City:Apollo BeachState:FL
ZIP code:33572
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: ONE Gas Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Byron Clay
Title: President
Organization: 00703
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:235 Apollo Beach Blvd
City:Apollo BeachState:FL
ZIP code:33572
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Opus Inspection Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Dan Block
Title: President
Organization: 67695
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6506 Mount Batten Court
ZIP code:40059
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Performance Food Group Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Carlos Flores
Title: President
Organization: 66726
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:30000 Avenida Cima Del Sol
ZIP code:92591
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Performance Food Group Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Amed Santana
Title: President
Organization: 65880
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:7049 Westwind Dr
City:El PasoState:TX
ZIP code:79912
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Performance Food Group Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Pat O'Mara
Title: President
Organization: 66231
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6 Drakewood Lane
ZIP code:94947
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Performance Food Group Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Abe Flores
Organization: 68790
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:35151 Silverleaf Lane
ZIP code:92563
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Pfizer Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Eric Vanetti
Title: Individual
Organization: 67807
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Pfizer Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Sean Lyles
Organization: 70102
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Pfizer Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Scott Michel
Title: Individual
Organization: 00710
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:819 Herman Road
ZIP code:19044
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Pfizer Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Doug Grima
Title: Individual
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Pfizer Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Roger Allain
Title: Consultant
Organization: 70234
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:1211 Shorecrest Dr
ZIP code:34711
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Pfizer Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Bruce Crawford
Title: Individual
Organization: 00688
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:10567 Big Canoe
ZIP code:30143
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: San Ysidro Health Resources

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Pat O'Mara
Title: President
Organization: 66231
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6 Drakewood Lane
ZIP code:94947
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: San Ysidro Health Center

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Tracy Schrey
Title: Consultant
Organization: 69678
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Storyville Coffee Company

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gerald O'Brien
Organization: 00693
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:23 Summit Heights
City:North OaksState:MN
ZIP code:55127
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Sun Chemical Corporation

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Phil McMann
Organization: 70211
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:1776 Park Avenue STE 4-263
City:Park CityState:UT
ZIP code:84060
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Texas Ballet Theater

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Daniel Block
Organization: 67695
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6506 Mount Batten Court
ZIP code:40059
15.b. Trade Name, If any:


15.a. Employer Name: Woodward Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Tracy Schrey
Title: Consultant
Organization: 69678
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Woodward Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gerald O'Brien
Title: Consultant
Organization: 00693
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:23 Summit Heights
City:North OaksState:MN
ZIP code:55127
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Woodward Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Daniel Block
Title: President
Organization: 67695
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6506 Mount Batten Court
ZIP code:40059
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Woodward Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Wildine Pierre
Title: Consultant
Organization: Bridge Labor Solutions LLC
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:931 N State Road 434
City:Altamonte SpringsState:FL
ZIP code:32714
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Woodward Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Doug Grima
Title: Individual
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: The Hershey Company

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Jason Blain
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: The Hershey Company

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Daniel Block
Organization: 67695
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6506 Mount Batten Court
ZIP code:40059
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: The Hershey Company

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Byron Clay
Organization: 00703
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:235 Apollo Beach Blvd, Ste 254
City:Apollo BeachState:FL
ZIP code:33572
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: The Hershey Company

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gustavo Flores
Organization: 66727
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:10950 Arrow Rte #871
City:Rancho CucamongaState:CA
ZIP code:91729
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: The Hershey Company

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Douglas Grima
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:


15.a. Employer Name: WIN Waste Innovations Holdings Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Eric Vanetti
Organization: 67807
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Vista Community Clinic

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Carlos Flores
Organization: 66726
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:30000 Avenida Cima Del Sol
ZIP code:92591
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Vista Community Clinic

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Abe Flores
Organization: 68790
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:35151 Silverleaf Lane
ZIP code:92563
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Virginia Transformer Corporation

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Bradley Rechel
Organization: 69655
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:5980 Roundstone Place
ZIP code:43016
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Sabre Industries

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Abe Flores
Organization: 68790
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:35151 Silverleaf Lane
ZIP code:92563
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Sabre Industries

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gustavo Flores
Organization: 66727
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:10950 Arrow Rte #871
City:Rancho CucamongaState:CA
ZIP code:91729
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Sabre Industries

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Patrick O'Mara
Organization: 66231
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:6 Drakewood Lane
ZIP code:94947
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Sabre Industries

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Amed Santana
Organization: 65880
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:7049 Westwind Dr., Suite 6001
City:El PasoState:TX
ZIP code:79912
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Sabre Industries

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Carlos Flores
Organization: 66726
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:30000 Avenida Cima Del Sol
ZIP code:92591
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Schuster Concrete Construction

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Michael Rosado
Organization: 00685
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:5 Quail Court
ZIP code:07024
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Schuster Concrete Construction

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: William Herrera
Organization: 70228
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:9427 Reston Grove Lane
ZIP code:77095
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Utica Zoological Society Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Wildine Pierre
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:931 N State Road 434, Ste 1201-335
City:Altamonte SpringsState:FL
ZIP code:32714
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: The Norton Museum of Art

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Johan Pena
Organization: 69189
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:15815 SW 103rd Lane
ZIP code:33196
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Mauser Packaging Solutions

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Amed Santana
Organization: 65880
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:7049 Westwind Dr., Suite 6001
City:El PasoState:TX
ZIP code:79912
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Mauser Packaging Solutions

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Jud Grubbs
Organization: 69582
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:5630 Lake Murray Blvd
City:La MesaState:CA
ZIP code:91942
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Arcosa Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Doug Grima
Title: Individual
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Conservation Society of California

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Judson Grubbs
Title: Consultant
Organization: TPI Consulting LLC
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:5630 Lake Murray Blvd
City:La MesaState:CA
ZIP code:91942
15.b. Trade Name, If any:
Oakland Zoo

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Mauser Packaging Solutions

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Johan Pena
Title: Individual
Organization: 69189
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:15815 SW 103rd Lane
ZIP code:33196
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name:

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: William Herrera
Title: Individual
Organization: 70228
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:9427 Reston Grove Lane
ZIP code:77095
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: The Hershey Company

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Tracy Schrey
Title: Consultant
Organization: 69678
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Virginia Transformer Corporation

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Niles Commer
Title: Individual
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:1757 Hillview Street
ZIP code:34239
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Woodward Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: A. Danine Clay
Title: President
Organization: 68581
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:235 Apollo Beach Blvd
City:Apollo BeachState:FL
ZIP code:33572
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

15.a. Employer Name: Sterigenics U.S., LLC

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Gustavo Flores
Organization: 66727
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:
Street:10950 Arrow Rte #871
City:Rancho CucamongaState:CA
ZIP code:91729
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively. We realized on 4/4/2023 that we had missed this filing. We take our filing very seriously and corrected our filing upon learning of the error.

15.a. Employer Name: Dollar General Corporation

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Eric Vanetti
Organization: 67807
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively. We realized on 4/4/2023 that we had missed this filing. We take our filing very seriously and corrected our filing upon learning of the error.

15.a. Employer Name: Kamax Inc

15.c. To Whom Paid:
Name: Eric Vanetti
Title: Owner
P.O. Box., Bldg., Room No., if any:PO Box 1529
City:Broken ArrowState:OK
ZIP code:74013
15.b. Trade Name, If any:

15.e.Purpose: Originally listed the wrong consultant. This engagement should have been reported under Eric Vanetti. This was discovered 6/2/2023 and the amendment was completed on 6/2/2023. Engaged to educate employees regarding exercising their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

Form LM-21 (2003)